Strategic Design Process

Design is symphonic. The orchestration of its many components requires both structure and diligence to be successfully performed. As vision determines direction and overall application, strategic process provides the necessary roadmap for successful execution and implementation.

A series of integrated goals allows precise alignment between business and creative imperatives:

Enhanced Value Perception: the determination of the client value proposition as it relates to each and every aspect of the customer experience.

We seek to establish a perception chain based upon price/value positioning in the mindset of our audience and customer expectation within the product/service category. This starts with the assurance that all of these elements are working at maximum efficiency to deliver a seamless customer experience from first awareness to intent to repurchase.

Assured Memorability: creating the elements that will ensure that the audience will remember and retain our value proposition above those of the competition when they are ready to buy.

The audience is king when it comes to memorability — not customers, consumers or prospects. In today's complex global marketplace, no one is waiting around to be "sold." The audience is comprised of people who have problems to solve, tasks to perform and needs to fill. They have access to a wealth of information related to the services and products that will best suit their unmet wants, needs and desires.

Accomplished Persuasion: what it takes to convince our audience that your product or service is the one out of many that will allow them to achieve their goal or satisfy their need.

This is the biggest question in marketing today. Your answer depends on their answers to these key components:

  • What do those who have used the product/service have to say about its efficacy?
  • Does the product/service meet the preconceived notions of the audience in terms of their price/value perception?
  • What is the ease of access in achieving trial/demonstration of product/service efficacy?
  • What is the risk inherent in the decision to use the product/service?
To be successful, we must determine through advance research exactly how each element of the intended effort will work together to convince the audience in a compelling manner that our product or service is the best solution for them.

Comprehensive Satisfaction: the ongoing opportunity to help our clients improve the lifetime relationship of each member of their audience, time after time.

Ideally, our job does not end with the sale, but takes into consideration the entire lifespan of the buyer relationship. Each component of the user experience – from point-of-sale to product/service delivery through product/service application and evaluation to decision to repurchase – is continually being evaluated for effectiveness. Post-purchase research and CRM monitoring are just two of the many windows available to evaluate and enhance the experience of the audience.