Be Your Own Network. Few lines of business are as competitive as the telecommunications sector. Primarily price-driven with features that are on par with their competitors, phone company brands are often a vanilla commodity. Gasp helped Kajeet debut in 2006 as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) that resold telephone time from larger carriers to make a profit. The network chose to target tweens, one of the most elusive segments in the youth culture. Kajeet invited Gasp to pitch ideas on how to make Kajeet appear "cool" within an overdeveloped marketplace populated with globally-branded players like Walt Disney going after their same market segment.
Gasp's strategy was to convince tweens and their parents that Kajeet was uniquely suited to help them maintain contact with their rapidly growing social network. Years before MySpace and Facebook leveraged youthful social networks, Gasp developed the "Be Your Own Network" campaign for Kajeet as a roadmap to how a tween social butterfly could convert her contacts into customers and be an "agent" for this must-have device.
Gasp proposed incentives for kids to become their own sub-MVNOs, empowering them to bring their friends along for fun and profit. Gasp developed the campaign for a variety of media, including print, outdoor and television.
Seven years later, after Disney and the others faded from the marketplace, Kajeet is still going strong.
Daniel Neal (CEO, Kajeet), client
Harry Webber, Angela Glenn, creative direction
Harry Webber, copywriting
Angela Glenn, design